Gratitude to the moon & back to all of the creative beings that have been involved in making Mopoke Designs come to life. From the collaborators to the photographers that capture the moments…it’s all appreciated.
Logo Design
Elise Traynor: @elisetraynorcreative
Lauren Crabbe: @synaesthetemedia
Tae Young: @mellumae
Laury Karu: @laurykaru
Lachlan Douglas: @somefx
Alain Bouvier: @alain.bouvier_photographer
Lucia Santiago
Mark Knappe
Rachel Kaye Kimberley
Eliah Walton
Brad Roy: @bradroyphotography
Lis Harvey: @nicounderwear
Martin Ollman: @martinollman
Woodfordia Inc.
Jungle Love Festival
Molten Store
Nico Underwear
Brisbane Airport
Amini Concepts